Student Disability Services for prospective students
A prospective student is defined as one who is:
- Entering Penn State as a first-year student.
- Transferring from other colleges or universities.
- Currently enrolled in courses, but not receiving academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and/or services.
At every Penn State location, there is an office designated to provide services for students with disabilities. Each designated office requests and maintains disability related documents; certifies eligibility for services; determines academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services; and develops plans for the provision of academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services as mandated under the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. View list of Disability Contact Liaisons
Penn State Berks SDR Office Hours
- Monday through Friday
- 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Remote appointments during summer months
Penn State Berks' Student Disability Resource (SDR) office encourages you to contact our office to discuss the process of registering. We understand that this can be a challenging transition for students and parents. For further information, please visit the Educational Equity Office's Transitioning to College webpage.
For additional information, please contact Lisa Zackowski, SDR coordinator, at or stop by 169 Franco Building.