Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Samantha Kavky
Dr. Samantha Kavky was awarded a Teaching & Learning Innovation Grant which allowed her to work with the Center for Learning & Teaching to develop an online study tool for her art history students. Along with the design and development of web-based study modules, Dr. Kavky's slide collection was digitized. Mary Ann Mengel, instructional multimedia designer, collaborated with Dr. Kavky on this project.
A complete collection of Art History study modules was developed using a tool called Visual Lightbox. As part of the grant project, Dr.Kavky was taught how to use Visual Lightbox to modify or create future study modules. Mengel also guided her through the process of packaging the modules for display in the Learning Management System, ANGEL.
The study modules provide students with both a study/review option and a self-test option. Students can review visual representations of artwork along with the artist's name, the date of the piece, and related class notes. The progression of modules is grouped around artists or particular art movements and is available to students through the LMS.