Blue and White e-Newsletter: Message from the Director

Greetings Penn State Berks alumni, students, donors, and other friends of our college!

We are pleased to present our new monthly Blue and White e-newsletter. This new electronic newsletter is not only a way for us to ?go green? but also to get campus news, info, and inspirational stories out to you in a more timely manner than ever before.

We value your staying connected to us and I hope this is just another means for you to keep in touch with the latest Penn State Berks news. We acknowledge the time constraints and the many news sources that vie for your attention, so we offer a brief look at each story as well as the opportunity to click on an item to get more in-depth information.

We welcome your feedback on this new communications piece (send to [email protected]), as well as personal and career news that our alumni may wish to submit for the Class Notes section ( of our Blue and White magazine, which will still come out in print version once a year. If you haven't already done so, please sign up to receive the Blue & White e-Newsletter (complete form here).

Thank you for taking the time to read and give us your thoughts!

Warm regards,

Dave Delozier '79
Director of Development & Alumni Relations