Barry Beal Director, Athletics [email protected] 610-396-6162 Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center, 115A
Alex Davisson Athletics Trainer, Athletics [email protected] 610-396-6204 Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center, 105A
Devin Eby Athletic Trainer, Athletics [email protected] 610-396-6204 105A, Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center
Seth Goodyear Athletics Program Specialist, Athletics [email protected] 610-396-6415 Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center, 115B
Kristin Hawley Coordinator of Athletic Programs, Athletics [email protected] 610-396-6358 Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center, 115D
Melissa Schmeck Athletics Trainer, Athletics [email protected] 610-396-6385 Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center, 105C