A living/learning community for exploratory students

Discover House Students and AdvisorMany students are not sure what they want to study when they begin college, but they are finding a home in DISCOVER BERKS House, a living-learning community comprised of first-year students.  Located on the second floor of Oak Moss in the Village Residence Hall, DISCOVER BERKS House helps students to explore the many academic options available at Penn State.

Modeled after a similar program at Penn State University Park, DISCOVER BERKS House began in the fall of 2006.  First-year students who have not declared a major and are enrolled in the Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), and who have received on-campus housing are invited to participate in the program.

In addition to the typical social and informational programming provided for first-year students, this innovative residential experience includes special programs and advising to help students investigate academic majors and careers.  It is an ideal environment for students beginning university life and discovering how they want to shape their education.

In addition to living together, participating students are enrolled in a learning community which consists of a first-year seminar that focuses on student's strengths (PSU 5), an English composition class (ENGL 15), and an international literature and film class (CMLIT 153).  Students will have the option to take a speech class (CAS 100A) together in the spring semester.