In order to participate in the Center for Service Learning and Community Based research, you need to go to LionPath to enroll in one of these classes:
Fall 2017
EARTH 002, The Earth System & Global Change
Course Description: An interdisciplinary introduction to the processes, interactions and evolution of the Earth’s spheres (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and anthroposphere). The Schuylkill River in northwest Reading will be used as a case study to investigate each of the Earth’s spheres. Earth 002 students and members of the local Olivet Boys and Girls Club will test and evaluate the Schuylkill River’s water quality and participate in a riverside clean-up.
Instructor: Jayné Park-Martinez, Ph.D.
BiSC3, Environmental Science
Course Description: Course includes a major component to enhance students’ understanding of environmental issues and their willingness to take an active role in their local and global community. Students will choose an Environmental Awareness and Community Action Project (EACAP), a service learning project in which students work in teams to research and take action to address an environmental issue of their choice (local, national, or global). Over the years, students have been involved in a variety of projects with our partner organizations.
Instructor: Mahsa Kazempor, Ph.D.
Sociology 119, The Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relations
Course Description: Students become PEPP Learning Assistants (PLA’s) with the Penn State Educational Partnership Program, or PEPP, while being introduced to sociological concepts in race and ethnic relations. PEPP is an after school program partnership between Penn State Berks and the Reading School District (RSD) that encourages academically underrepresented youth to pursue their full academic potential and encourages its RSD participants to pursue a college education. SOC 119 students engage in PEPP at one of the two RSD high schools as PEPP Learning Assistants or PLAs. SOC 119 PLAs gain a unique sociological perspective by examining the role of education as a system that aids in dictating US race and ethnic relations.
Instructor: Guadalupe Kasper