Federal Jobs Digest
America's #1 private source of federal job information searchable by category. http://www.jobsfed.com/
Peace Corps
Tells "everything" you need to know about becoming a Peace Corps volunteer including information on programs and countries where volunteers serve. http://www.peacecorps.gov/
VISTA & Americorps
Provides background information and connections to a number of volunteer opportunities through VISTA, Americorps and the National Civilian Community Corps. http://www.friendsofvista.org/
Pennsylvania State Civil Service Commission
Provides information on State Civil Service available positions by job category and job title.
Includes application process information. http://www.scsc.state.pa.us/
Government Employment
A website specifically related to information about government employment: occupations, working conditions and job outlook. http://www.federaljobs.net/GovtJob.net
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