Health Services: Resources

Resource Directory


The Reading Hospital & Medical Center
6th Ave and Spruce Street
West Reading

St Joseph's Hospital
2500 Bernville Road
Reading 19605

Ambulance Service  - 911

Health Services
Perkins Student Center, Room 8

Police Services
Luerssen, Room 114
Pager 610-856-4822
Telephone 610-396-6111

Residence Life
102 Ivy House

Counseling Services
Perkins Student Center Room 10

Reading Hospital Center for Mental Health
6th Ave and Spruce Street
West Reading

Berks Women in Crisis- 24 hour hotline

Disclaimer: The information found on this site is intended as educational information only. You SHOULD NOT rely on the information to make any medical or other decisions for treatment. Any medical or other decisions should be made in consultation with your health care provider. University Health Services will not be liable for any complication, injuries or other medical accidents arising from or in connection with the use of or reliance upon any information on the Web.