International Field Experience

Course - IFE, EDUC 497H

Course Description

This course is designed to provide students with exposure to multiple and diverse teaching environments in Germany. Attention will be given to the analysis of teaching settings and the relevant issues that have influenced them. Special consideration will be given to internationalizing classrooms, and an examination of the former East/West German cultures. The German educational culture will be examined comparatively to the United States in terms of educational environments and orientation to the field of Education. The impact of communist rule still remains noticeable in architecture, social issues and economic struggles, specifically in terms of education; such stark dichotomous images will be used to provide a framework for students' comparative analyses. All students completing the course will be assessed on the following objectives:

  • Students will use field experience to reflect on guiding questions. Reflections will demonstrate an in-depth understanding of cultural issues that have contributed to the current educational structure in a comparative manner (i.e., discussing the United States and Germany).
  • Students will identify social and political variable that have influenced Germany's educational system and will discuss these in comparison to similar variables in the United States.
  • Students will explore educational theories of pedagogy during the field experience and offer personal posits that will focus on the differences on school structure in terms of German educational foundation comparatively to the United States.
  • Within the context of classroom learning and pedagogy, students will demonstrate an understanding of global citizenship concepts and reflect critically on internationalizing classrooms.
  • Students will offer future directions regarding education in the U.S. that critically and creatively consider political, social, economic, educational, and international perspectives.
  • Students will identify similarities and differences among the schools visited in relation to: school social climate, academic offerings and expectations, academic rigor, student competencies, academic reporting methods, and assumptions about child development and individual differences.


(Note: Students must take EDTHP - 401 spring course in order to apply for IFE EDUC - 497, but students are not required to take IFE EDUC - 497 to complete EDTHP - 401 course.)
