Brandon Wenger
Hi, my name is Brandon Wenger. My Major is Secondary Education Mathematics. I am taking this course from Penn State University Park. I enrolled in this course because I wanted to experience another culture and also I am of German descent. I love adventures and traveling.
I think this course is a great opportunity to experience another culture and to learn more about the world. I also think that this course will also help me to gain more insight on both myself and on my future teaching career. It has been interesting, especially for me since I am the only student from University Park to be taking the course so I got to video conference the class. It was fun to learn about the technology and get to "play" with it, but I feel like I missed out lot of the experiences (food) that the Berks people had. Over all though this course has been a lot of fun it's very educational.
I see myself as a person that can bring in a new perspective within the community because not many people go abroad and experience something like this is specifically tied to education. I believe I play a role of bringing new ideas to the table that I have seen in Germany and seeing how they would work in American system.
I would do this trip again if give the chance because I have gotten so much out of this trip but the first time you experience something the "wow" factor plays a role into everything you see and do and makes everything "amazing". So I would want to go again so that I could try to see things through fresh eyes. I would also like to see more of Germany but to also know more about the current day culture before-hand.