Learning Communities

Pre-Orientation Learning Communities - Summer 2016

We are offering three Adventure Learning Communities that begin in August, 2016 prior to the start of classes and continue into the fall semester. They allow you to satisfy the First-Year Seminar requirement (PSU 005) and serve as an orientation to college. These Learning Communities are a great option for students who want to get a few credits completed before the semester begins.

A Walk in the Woods (Moderate to High Physical Demand) 

August 16-18

  • A Walk in the Woods (KINES 001, section 003) (1.5 GHA credits), August 16-18
  • First-Year Seminar (PSU 005, section 025) (1 credit)

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service, this year?s ?A Walk in the Woods? course will feature hiking in Shenandoah National Park, VA.  Participants will learn group hiking skills, enjoy spectacular views, and sleep in cabins. Student participants should own basic hiking gear and have prior long day-hiking experience. Program cost: $100

Canoeing Adventure (Moderate Physical Demand)

August 14-17

  • Canoeing in Summer (KINES 001, section 004) (1.5 GHA credits), August 14-17
  • First-Year Seminar (PSU 005, section 029) (1 credit) 

Two bald eagles soared overhead, wild turkeys walked through the campsite, great blue herons appeared everywhere ... and that was just the first day. The group will camp out for two nights on the Delaware River and enjoy breathtaking views and an abundance of wildlife. You do not need to know how to canoe to participate. This program assumes no prior canoeing skill, just a willingness to learn new skills, enjoy nature and sleep in a tent. Program cost: $100

Building for Tomorrow (Moderate Physical Demand)

August 15-17

  • Counseling Education (CNED 297, section 1) (2 credits), August 15-17
  • First-Year Seminar (PSU 005, section 025) (1 credit)

Show compassion by sharing strength! Students experience the joy they can provide by preparing a meal at a soup kitchen or assisting in a renovation project with a non-profit. In this program, participants will work together to serve community members in need in Washington, D.C. This experience will be a great way to broaden your cultural horizons through community service. The trip will include opportunities to hear memorable speakers and for sight-seeing in our Nation?s Capital. Program cost: $100