Luerssen 141 - CAD Classroom
Hardware: (24) Windows 7 computers
Additional Software: Adobe Creative Suite 5 Premium Design*, B2 Logic, Altera Quartus II, AutoCAD 2010, LabView 2009, MathCAD 14, MatLab 2010a, Minitab 16, Multisim, SolidWorks 2010, VMWare VMSphere
Printing: Laser printer with automatic duplex
Instructor's Station: A computer with the same specifications and a ceiling mounted data projector
Luerssen 142 - Classroom
Hardware: (24) Windows 7 computers
Additional Software: Adobe Creative Suite 5 Premium Design*, Audacity, AutoCAD 2010, Clea Astronomy, Geometer's Sketchpad, Mega 4, Minitab 16, MySQL, NetBeans, Raptor, SolidWorks 2010, Terrapin Logo 2.3, VMWare VMSphere
Printing: Laser printer with automatic duplex
Instructor's Station: A computer with the same specifications and a ceiling mounted data projector
Luerssen 143 - Open Access
Hardware: (19) Windows 7 computers; (3) computers have full bed scanners attached
Additional Software: Adobe Creative Suite 5 Premium Design*, Audacity, AutoCAD 2010, Clea Astronomy, Geometer's Sketchpad 4, Kurzweil 3000 viewer, LabView 2009, MathCAD 14, Mega, Minitab 16, Multisim, MySQL, NetBeans, SimBio Virtual, SolidWorks 2010, Terrapin Logo 2.3, VMWare VMSphere
Printing: Laser printer with automatic duplex; Color Laser printer with automatic duplex
Instructor's Station: N/A
Luerssen 144 - IST Classroom
Hardware: (24) Windows 7 computers
Additional Software: Adobe Creative Suite 5 Premium Design*, Audacity, LabView 2009, MatLab 2010a, Minitab 15, MySQL, NetBeans, SecondLife, VMWare VMSphere
Printing: Laser printer with automatic duplex
Instructor's Station: A computer with the same specifications and a ceiling mounted data projector
Luerssen 145 - Classroom
Hardware: (19) Windows 7 computers
Additional Software: Adobe Creative Suite 5 Premium Design*, Audacity, Clea Astronomy, Geometer's Sketchpad, Minitab 16, MySQL, NetBeans, VMWare VMSphere
Printing: Color Laser printer with automatic duplex
Instructor's Station: A computer with the same specifications and a ceiling mounted data projector
Luerssen 146 - IST Emerging Technology Lab - This room is for IST use only.
Hardware: (10) Windows 7 computers
Additional Software: Adobe Creative Suite 5 Premium Design*, Audacity, EnCase Enterprise, Minitab16, MySQL, NetBeans, Palisade Decision Tools, VMWare VMSphere
Printing: Laser printer with automatic duplex
Instructor's Station: A computer with the same specifications and a ceiling mounted data projector
* Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium includes Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop