Tami Mysliewic explains the science of identifying bones for forensic purposes to conference participants.
READING, Pa. — Penn State Berks will host two events for Berks County middle and high school students in May to foster an interest and encourage continued studies in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
The first is the 23rd annual Careers with Math Options Conference on Wednesday, May 8, for seventh-grade girls from Berks County and surrounding school districts. More than 300 seventh-grade girls are expected to attend the event, which will feature speakers from Penn State Berks and the community. A wide variety of engaging and interactive workshops will be offered to encourage young women to continue their studies in math, science, engineering, technology, finance and related fields.
The second event is a STEM Conference for 10th- and 11th-grade boys and girls on Thursday, May 9. Approximately 100 students are expected to attend the conference, which will feature instructors and students from Penn State Berks and the local community who will provide workshops with the goal of encouraging the high school students to continue their studies in science, math, engineering and technology.
Schools that are interested in participating or want more information about the Careers with Math Options Conference should contact Selvi Jagadesan, lecturer in mathematics, via email at SUJ2@psu.edu. Schools that are interested in participating or want more information about the STEM Conference should contact Elizabeth Wiggins, lecturer in engineering, via email at EXW16@psu.edu or Tricia Clark, instructor in information sciences and technology, via email at TKC3@psu.edu.