Located on the Janssen Conference Center complex, between the Janssen Office Building and Williams Cottage, this permanent, outdoor, eleven-circuit Chartres replica labyrinth is open to the public daily from dawn until dusk. Parking is available.
A labyrinth is a non-denominational spiritual tool used for meditation, inspiration, and self-discovery. Over the past several decades, there has been a revival of this ancient practice of walking to its center and back out. For some, the labyrinth is a metaphor for life's journey. For others, it symbolizes the layers of the self. Some believe it is a path to the Divine. Others see it simply as a peaceful walk. Whatever significance it holds for the walker is appropriate. Labyrinths are now being created in parks, churches, retreat centers, schools, hospitals, and prisons. They have been used successfully for stress reduction, team building, problem solving, goal planning, self-awareness, and spiritual connection.
Walking A Labyrinth
There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth, but paying attention to these five parts of the journey can make the experience more rewarding.
- Preparing - Pause for a moment and center yourself before entering. Select a special intention or issue to focus on during the walk.
- Walking In - Follow the path at a pace that feels right for you. Observe each thought and sensation you experience. Ponder any symbolic connection it might have to your life.
- Pausing at the Center - Stand or sit in the middle and stay as long as you like.
- Walking Out - Follow the same path out at your own pace. Remain aware of your thoughts.
- Reflecting - Take time to reflect on your experience and how you might incorporate any insights into your daily life. You might wish to meditate, journal, draw, or talk with a friend about the experience.