Student Veteran Coalition hosts second annual “ROY G. BIV” Memorial Run

Penn State Berks Student Veteran Coalition is teaming with the Student Veterans of America to host its second annual ?ROY G. BIV Memorial Run.? on Saturday, April 25, 2015. The 5-K ?kolor? run, named for some of the colors used in the run, and 1-mile walk will benefit the Penn State Berks Student Veterans of America Chapter. The term memorial run is used to recognize fallen soldiers.

Ceremonies begin at 2:30 p.m. and the run begins immediately following. Check-in and last-minute registration begins at 1:30 p.m. in front of the Perkins Student Center. The starting line will be located behind the Beaver Community Center. The rain date is Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 11 a.m.

The event is open to students, faculty, staff, family members, and the community. The cost to participate is $20 and it is free to students with valid Penn State ID. Participants must register and registration will be held in the Perkins Student Center from 1:00?2:30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until Friday, April 17. Participants may also register online on the Penn State Berks Student Veterans of America Facebook page: All participants will receive a free Penn State Berks ROY G. BIV t-shirt, sunglasses, and bandanna.

The Penn State Berks Student Veteran Coalition?s mission is to help student veterans achieve their educational goals at Penn State Berks while providing an environment in which student veterans have the opportunity to support and socialize with one another. The Penn State Berks Student Veteran Coalition serves as a source of information, support, representation, and camaraderie to any and all students of prior and current military service seeking education at Penn State Berks.

For more information, please contact Joe Webb ( or Nathan Nihiser ( If you cannot make the event, donations can be made in the Penn State Berks Financial Office.