Dr. Jaime L. Kubeika of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection will present ?Media Hype?Reality Check: Life of a Scientist in the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection; Emerging Contaminants and the Application of Green Chemistry Principles? at the next Penn State Berks Science Colloquium on Friday, April 19, 2013, at 1 p.m. in room 5, Luerssen Building. This presentation is free and open to the public, and light refreshments will be served.
According to Kubeika?s abstract, the presentation will be ?a brief look into the realities of working as a chemist in the DEP laboratories focusing the analytical methods used to protect our environment and coping with Emerging Contaminants. The development of a ?green? method applied to the emerging contaminant 1,4-dioxane will be highlighted.?
The Science Division colloquia are of broad and general interest, accessible to a general audience. All students, faculty, and interested members of the Penn State Berks and surrounding community are welcome and encouraged attend. For more information, contact the Penn State Berks Science Colloquium Coordinator Dr. Jianbing Qi, Associate Professor of Physics, at 610-396-6132 or via e-mail at JXQ10@psu.edu.