College hosts Martin Luther King Day banquet on Jan. 17

Penn State Berks will host a banquet in honor of Martin Luther King Day on Thursday, January 17, 2013. The event will be held in the Perkins Student Center Multipurpose Room; doors open at 6 p.m., with a soul food dinner at 6:30.

The keynote speaker is Dr. William Davis, assistant director of clinical psychology at Weidner University and assistant professor of counseling and coordinator of the master?s of arts program at Alvernia University. In addition, the Pine Forge Academy choir and a variety of Berks student groups will perform, and two awards will be given to students who have demonstrated leadership, community involvement, and efforts towards social justice.

Students must have a ticket in order to attend. For additional information or to reserve a seat, please contact Karen Kihurani, Coordinator of Multicultural Programs at Penn State Berks, at 610-396-6080 or via e-mail at