Holly L. Ryan

Associate Professor, English
Coordinator, Writing Center
Franco Building, 140

Dr. Holly Ryan, associate professor of English at Penn State Berks, examines writing and communication practices in public, professional, and academic contexts in order to illuminate the power dynamics that influence the rhetorical situation. Her specific focus has been to this point in two areas: writing center theory and pedagogy; and writing in health and medicine. She teaches courses in the professional writing and the composition programs. Finally, as Writing Center coordinator she administers the Penn State Berks writing center.

Ryan, Holly. “A Multi-University Blog as Site for Understanding Peer Tutor Discourse.” WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, 43(3-4), 2018: 10-17.

Ryan, Holly. “First Things First: An Introduction to Administration at a New Directors Retreat.” What We Teach and How: Educating Writing Tutors. Eds. Karen Johnson and Ted Roggenbuck. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, 2018, https://wlnjournal.org/digitaleditedcollection1/Ryan.html

Ryan, Holly and Kathryn Gindlesparger. "Calling it Quits: Fissures in Feminist Mentoring.” Peitho, 19(1), 2016, 54-70.

Ryan, Holly and Danielle Kane. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Writing Center Classroom Visits: An Evidence-Based Approach." Writing Center Journal 34.2 (2015): 145-172.

Ryan, Holly. "Seeking Confession: The Making of the Patient in Non-Branded Disease Awareness Advertisements." Studies in Popular Culture 37.2 (2015): 121-141. Print.

Ph.D., Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English, University of Arizona

M.A., English, University of Arizona

B.A., English, Eastern Connecticut State University

B.S., Early Childhood Education, Eastern Connecticut State University