Penn State Live gets new look

University Park, Pa. -- Over the past year, the look and feel of Penn State Live has undergone some subtle changes. Now, the site has experienced its first major facelift since it was launched in April 2003.

The first major difference in the site is a large, horizontal image at the top of the page. There will be a variety of images in this space, and visitors to the site can click through to see everything that's there. Clicking on these images will link the user to additional content -- photos, stories or videos about the topic in the original image.

A key new feature to the site is the ability for readers to easily access additional stories related to the one they just read. Other cosmetic changes to the site include its evolution from three columns down to two and a new link at the bottom of the page to access older stories on the site.

With these changes, Still Life photo packages have migrated over to the left-hand side, and links to campus Live sites and other topics are now found in the gray bar near the top of the page. In that gray bar, visitors to the Live site also will find links to a video wall and the Live photo archive, which includes more than 10,000 photos and is growing daily.

There are many other more subtle changes to the site, and readers are encouraged to visit the site, poke around, and discover what's new on Penn State Live. Questions or comments about the new site can be directed to Annemarie Mountz at

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