How can the Center help you?
We are a group of faculty and staff who work together to help one another expand and enrich student learning experiences through service learning and community-based undergraduate research. The Center personnel will assist you with the intellectual, curricular, and logistical planning and execution of your project. We try to match interested faculty with community organizations' needs.
We offer you our library of print and web resources including those listed on the Bibliography page as well as specific articles and examples of syllabi for many disciplines, which we continue to expand.
The Center is open to all faculty from all disciplines. See many of our terrific projects!
Examples of widely publicized benefits of service learning and community-based undergraduate research for faculty include
- motivating students to participate actively in the work of the course;
- providing opportunities to apply classroom concepts and information to real situations;
- transforming student research assignments into concrete learning experiences;
- giving students the chance to make a difference with their own work by sharing their knowledge, research and conclusions with community organizations working on real problems;
- enlivening the exchange of ideas and experiences in class;
- learning from your students as they share their projects with you and their classmates; and
- connecting your own research interests and expanding your knowledge of and contacts with the community in which many of us live.
For more information email Dr. Donna Chambers ( or call 610-396-6332.