Discovering Water--A Liquid for Life*
Participants will experience a sampling of careers related to water as they work side by side with various professionals; hands on experiences will engage and provide foundational knowledge as possible careers. Campers will go on several field trips to local water ways.
Explore the Tulpehocken Creek! Participate in an interactive introduction to land use and connections to water. Participants will discover how the properities of the Tulpehocken Creek and the Schuylkill River influence the communities that formed around them and how the communities influence the water today. Perform a stream analysis: chemical and biological testing for water quality and measuring for physical features of the stream, including steam flow and velocity.
What is the creek today? An introduction to fishing skills will be followed by an opportunity to learn what a local non-profit is doing to improve local waters for conservation, trout fishing and water recreation.
Blue Marsh Dam and Fishway Tour. Look at the roles of dams , past and present. Learn how new engineering techniques have been used to improve dam functions and include pathways for fish migration.
Water Treatment Tour--participants will learn about the history and modern advances in water treatment for drinking water and public use.
Participants will visit a wetland restoration project by the confluence of the river. They will learn how non-profits, government, and private industry are working together to improve water quality, control the cost of water, and provide recreational opportunities for the public.
Waste water Treatment Plant Tour. Participants will learn the current challenges and costs or cleaning up waste water and ensuring clean drinking water.
Participants will hike along the old Union Canal Tow Path to the Berks County Heritage Center (approximately 3 miles round trip). Participants will tour the canal museum and learn about this brief time in history that left a big environmental impact to local steams and rivers. See stream buffers and riparian projects to improve the quality of water and finally, explore a historic covered bridges and maybe find a few bats!
This day will focus on conservation and action and pose where do we go from here questions.
* The camp activities are subject to change due to weather or other extenuating circumstances.
Dates: July 13-17, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
FEE: $375 Commuter $695 Residential
Lunch is included in the registration fee. Residential campers will arrive late Sunday afternoon and stay in the campus dorms and all meals are provided through lunch on Friday. There will be an additional fee for evening activities. Residential camp details will be sent in early June.
Register for Summer Camp
Register here if using a credit card for payment; for personal checks and money orders, use this registration form. If you have questions, please contact the Continuing Education office at 610-396-6225 for assistance. To complete your camper's application, be sure to fill out these required consent forms and return to Penn State Berks Continuing Education, P.O. Box 7009, Reading, PA 19610-6009 or FAX to 610-396-6226 or email a scanned copy to emb1@psu.edu.