Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
Ed.D., Measurement and Research, Lehigh University
M.S., Mathematics, Lehigh University
A.B., Mathematics Education, Minor Physics
Phone: 610-396-6127
Office: 221 Luerssen Building
Dr. Winter teaches mathematics and statistics courses. She also coordinates basic skills mathematics courses, part time mathematics teachers, math placement, the WISE at Berks program for students and faculty interested in the STEM subjects, the Careers with Math Options Conference for 7th grade Women, and the Science, Engineering, and Technology Conference for 11th Graders. She is interested in engaging students with significant data of historical or current importance, technology in mathematics education, and hybrid learning.
Most Recent Publications:
?Data that Clicks Produces Concepts that Stick?, Proceedings for the ICTCM 2008 International Conference Electronic Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Volume 20, San Antonio, Texas, March 6-9, 2008; Paper S089
?Beyond Online Homework?, Proceedings for the ICTCM 2009 International Conference Electronic proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Volume 21,New Orleans, LA March 12 -15, 2009; paper in press.