Dr. Lingqi Meng

Dr. Lingqi MengAssistant Professor of Mathematics Education

Ph.D., Mathematics Education, Louisiana State University

M.A., Curriculum Theory, Louisiana State University

M.S., Mathematics, Northeast Normal University, China

B.A., Mathematics, Northeast Normal University, China

e-mail: Lxm62@psu.edu
Phone: 610-396-6453
Office: 238 Gaige Building


Dr Lingqi Meng is an assistant professor of mathematics education at Penn State Berks.  His research focus is comparative math education. His current research interest is to use TIMSS data to conduct research and to establish cultural models for comparative educational study.

Most Recent Publications:

Liu, S., & Meng, L. (2010). Re-examining factor structure of the attitudinal items from TIMSS 2003 in cross-cultural study of mathematics self-concept. Educational Psychology.30 (6), 699-712.

Meng, L., & Liu, S. (2008). Mathematics teacher stress in Chinese secondary schools. Journal of Educational Enquiry, 8 (1), 73-96