Most office paper generated in a typical office and school setting can be recycled. A general rule of thumb, "if you can rip it, you can recycle it" holds true with a few exceptions. Any paper that has come in contact with food or human body cannot be recycled. Office paper can be recycled in any 'mixed paper' bin located throughout hallways, offices, residence halls, computing centers and building lobbies.
Do Recycle
- All Envelopes
- Blueprints
- Campus Mail Envelopes
- Colored Paper
- Copier Paper
- Course packs (Remove plastic binders)
- Flyers and Brochures
- Index Cards
- "Junk Mail"
- NCR Paper
- Notebook Paper
- Post-It Notes
- Shredded Paper
- Staples and Paperclips are OK
Do Not Recycle
- Carbon Paper
- Copy Paper Wrappers
- Hard Covered Books
- Photographs
- Plastic Bindings or Clips
- Plastic Transparencies
- Thermal (coated) Fax paper
- Food Wrapping or Napkins
- Tissue or Paper Towels
- Tyvek (plastic) Envelopes