Dr. Andrew Friesen serves as an associate professor of kinesiology and Penn State Berks. He teaches sport, exercise, and performance psychology to the next generation of professionals in the field of kinesiology. His research expertise is in emotional intelligence and the applied practice of sport psychology. Dr. Friesen has been a member of numerous integrated sports science teams with several national sport programs across a wide range of sports in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and the U.S. These sports include hockey, baseball, softball, taekwondo, basketball, volleyball, synchronized swimming, swimming, lacrosse, golf, archery, racquetball, tennis, badminton, and figure skating.
Dr. Friesen is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) with the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. He is also listed in the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee Sport Psychology and Mental Training Registry (2022-24). He also serves as the college's Faculty Athletics Representative.
Research Interests
- Applied sport psychology practice
- Emotional intelligence
- Leadership studies
Friesen, A., & *Mathews, C. (2021). Emotion regulation strategies used across the Transtheoretical Model stages in exercise. Journal of Sport Behavior,44, 423-432.
Lane, A., Beedie, C., Devonport, T., & Friesen, A. (2021). Considerations of control groups: Comparing active-control with no treatment for examining the effects of brief intervention. Sports, 9. https://doi.org/10.3390/sports9110156
Friesen, A. (2021). Assessing the applied impact of sports psychology’s most influential research articles. The Sport Psychologist, 35, 250-258. doi:10.1123/tsp.2020-0182
Friesen, A., Stanley, D., Devonport, T., & Lane, A. (2019). Regulating own and teammates’ emotions prior to competition. Movement & Sport Sciences-Science & Motricité. doi:10.1051/sm/2019014
Cheng, M., Friesen, A., & Olalekan, A. (2019). Using emotion regulation to cope with challenges: A study of Chinese students in the United Kingdom. Cambridge Journal of Education. doi:10.1080/0305764X.2018.1472744
*Kent, S., Devonport, T. D., Lane, A. M., Nicholls, W., & Friesen, A. P. (2018). The effects of coping interventions on ability to perform under pressure: A systematic review. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 17, 40-54.
*McIntosh-Dalmedo, S., Devonport, T.D., Nicholls, W., & Friesen, A. P. (2018). Examining the effects of sport and exercise interventions on body image among adolescent girls: A systematic review. Journal of Sport Behaviour
Friesen, A., Galloway, S. M., Stanley, D., Lane, A., Ruiz, M., & Nevill, A. (2017). Coach-athlete perceived congruence between actual and desired emotions in karate competition and training. Journal of Applied Sports Psychology. doi:10.1080/10413200.2017.1388302
Lane, A. M., Terry, P. C., Friesen, A. P., Devonport, T. D., & Tottedell, P. (2017). A test and extension of Lane and Terry’s (2000) conceptual model of mood-performance relationships using a large internet sample. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 470. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00470
Friesen, A., Devonport, T., & Lane, A. (2017). Beyond the technical: The role of emotion regulation in the art of officiating. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35, 579-586. doi:10.1080/02640414.2016.1180419
Lane, A., Totterdell, P., MacDonald, I., Devonport, T., Friesen, A., Beedie, C., Stanley, D., & Nevill, A. (2016). Brief online training enhances competitive performance: Findings of the BBC Lab UK psychological skills intervention study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 413. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00413
Campo, M., Sanchez, X., Ferrand, C., Rosnet, E., Friesen, A., & Lane, A. (2016). Interpersonal emotion regulation in team sport: Mechanisms and reasons to regulate teammates’ emotions examined. International Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychology. doi:10.1080/1612197X.2015.1114501
Friesen, A., Devonport, T., Sellars, C., & Lane, A. (2015). Examining interpersonal emotion regulation strategies and moderating factors in ice hockey. Athletic Insight, 7(2), 143-160.
Friesen, A., Lane, A., Sellars, C., & Devonport, T. (2015). Interpersonal emotion regulation: An intervention case study with a professional ice hockey team. Athletic Insight, 7(2), 129-142.
Friesen, A. P., Devonport, T. J., & Lane, A. M. (2015). Interpersonal emotion regulation in lacrosse referees at a world championship. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, 47(1).
Lane, A., Devonport, T., Friesen, A., ¬¬¬¬¬¬Beedie, C., Fullerton, C. & Stanley, D. (2015). How should I regulate my emotions if I want to run faster? European Journal of Sport Science, 16, 465-472. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2015.1080305
Brownlee, K., Martin, J., Rawana, E., Harper, J., Mercier, M., Neckoway, R., & Friesen, A. (2014). Bullying behaviour and victimization among Aboriginal students within Northwestern Ontario. First Peoples Child & Family Review, 9, 38-52.
Friesen, A., Sellars, C., Devonport, T., & Lane, A. (2013). A narrative account of decision-making and interpersonal emotion regulation using social-functional approaches to emotions. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 11, 203-214. doi:10.1080/1612197X.2013.773664
Friesen, A., Lane, A., Devonport, T., Sellars, C., Stanley, D., & Beedie, C. (2012). Emotion in sport: Considering interpersonal regulation strategies. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6, 139-154. doi:10.1080/1750984X.2012.742921
Friesen, A. (2012). [Review of the book Group Dynamics in Sport, (4th ed), by A.V. Carron & M.A. Eys]. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30, 1073. doi:10.1080/02640414.2012.685617.
Stanley, D., Beedie, C., Lane, A., Friesen, A., & Devonport, T. (2012). Emotion regulation strategies used in the hour before running. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 10, 159-171. doi:10.1080/1612197X.2012.671910
Friesen, A., & Orlick, T. (2011). Holistic Sport Psychology: Investigating the roles, operating standards, and intervention goals and strategies of holistic consultants. Journal of Excellence, 14, 18-42.
Friesen, A., & Orlick, T. (2010). A qualitative analysis of holistic sport psychology consultants’ professional philosophies. The Sport Psychologist, 24, 227-244.
- Ph.D., Sports Psychology, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
- M.A., Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Canada
- B.A., Psychology; Kinesiology & Applied Health, University of Winnipeg, Canada
Papers and Presentations
Friesen, A., & Patrick, T. (2022). Balancing Role Transition for the Applied Sport Psychology Practitioner. Presented at the 37th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Fort Worth, TX
Napoletano, A., Friesen, A., & Ohlson, C. (2022). “We are!” …Certified Mental Performance Consultants in athletics and academic programs. Paper presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.
Napoletano, A., & Friesen, A. (2022). Professional opportunities with the AASP Newsletter. Paper presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.
Friesen, A., *King, D., *McGrogan, T., & *Morrell, P. (2022). Examining the muscular and psychological effects of emotions and emotion regulation in sport. Symposium presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.
*King, D., *Morrell, P., *McGrogan, T., & Friesen, A. (2022). Coaches’ interpersonal emotion regulation for injured athletes. Paper presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.
*McGrogan, T., *King, D., *Morrell, P., & Friesen, A. (2022). Emotion is power: The role of emotion on muscle output. Paper presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.
*Morrell, P., *McGrogan, T., *King, D., & Friesen, A. (2022). Examining the relationship between eating patterns, self-efficacy, emotion regulation and recovery. Paper presented at the 2022 North Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference, West Chester, PA.
*Printz, M., & Friesen, A. (2021). The effects of a centering intervention to improve volleyball performance. Presented at the 36th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, NV
*Rozick, J., & Friesen, A. (2021). An imagery intervention to improve self-efficacy in softball pitchers. Presented at the 36th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Friesen, A. (2020). “There’s something in the air…”: Using nature in applied sport psychology. Paper presented at the 35th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Orlando, FL; Virtual.
Friesen, A. (2020). Different strategies for different stages: Emotion regulation across the Transtheoretical Model stages of change. Poster presented at the 35th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Orlando, FL; Virtual.
Shade, S., Philips, J., Veerabhadrappa, P., & Friesen, A. (2020). The Effects of FitBit Groups on College Students' Attitudes towards Exercise. Poster presented at Pennsylvania State University Undergraduate Exhibition. Virtual Conference.
Friesen, A. (2019). Managing Athletes’ and Coaches’ Emotions in Sport: A Workshop for Applied Practitioners. Workshop presented at the 34th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Portland, OR.
Corbett, A., Cologgi, K., Friesen, A., & Kegeles, S. (2019). Perceptions of the Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) Approach with wheelchair rugby athletes. Poster presented at the 34th Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Portland, OR.
*Mathews, C., & Friesen, A. (2019). Emotion regulation strategies of exercisers across stages in the Transtheoretical Model. Paper presented at the 2019 Higher Education Council of Berks County, Reading, PA.
Friesen, A. (2019). Helping Athletes Maintain Perspective in High Performance Training. Workshop presented at the 2019 Regional Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
*Cortellessa, K., & Friesen, A. (2019). A biofeedback intervention to manage heart rate variability in boxing: A pilot study. 2019 Science Division Undergraduate Research Poster Session. Penn State Berks.
Friesen, A. (2018). Major League Baseball pitchers’ performance against previous teams. Poster presented at the 33rd Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Toronto, ON.
*Calaluca, B., & Friesen, A. (2018). Fighting for the Finish: An exploration of student motivation in sport psychology master’s program. Paper presented at the 2018 Regional Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Denver, CO.
Cologgi, K., Friesen, A., *Calaluca, B., *Francis, N., *Oates, J., *Theus, L., & *Ugrenovic, L. (2018). From star players to sidekick: A panel discussion on former athletes training to become sport psychology practitioners. Panel discussion at the 2018 Regional Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Tallahassee, FL.