Dr. Prokudin's research is in theoretical sub-atomic nuclear physics, hadron structure and Quantum Chromo Dynamics. The main theme is three dimensional structure of the proton and the neutron, and the aim is to learn the internal structure of the nucleon from the point of view of quarks and gluons. His experience has been mainly in the theoretical and phenomenological interpretation of experimental data in terms of the so-called Transverse Momentum Dependent distributions that encode three-dimensional structure of the nucleon in the momentum space. His focus is on the analysis of experimental data from international and national facilities such as CERN, BNL, Jefferson Lab, SLAC, KEK, Fermilab and others.
Dr. Prokudin secured external funding from the Department of Education as a part of Topical Collaboration TMD grant of more than $2M; he is also the sole principal investigator of a National Science Foundation grant worth $150,000. His position at Penn State Berks is a bridge position with Jefferson Lab, with the intention of strengthening nuclear physics research conducted in the United States by facilitating collaboration between Jefferson Lab and a faculty member at a research university, thereby assuring the long-term continuity of that research stream.
Prior to joining Penn State Berks in August 2015, Dr. Prokudin was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Turin, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Torino (INFN Turin) at University of Eastern Piedmont in Vercelli, Italy, from 2001-2009, and a staff scientist at Theory Center of Jefferson Lab from 2009-2015. He has authored more than 50 research papers.
- Ph.D., Theoretical Physics, Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia, 2000
- M.Sc. (summa cum laude), Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1997