Planning, Research and Assessment

2011-2012 Assessment Grant Recipients

Dr. Saden Kulturel, Associate Professor, MIS
Developing an assessment for the entrepreneurship minor capstone project

Dr. Michele Ramsey, Associate Professor Communication Arts & Sciences and Women's Studies
Development of a rubric to assess GWS-S

Saundra Reichel, Associate Director of Student Affairs
A pre and post survey of Orientation Leaders to evaluate the impact on commuter student engagement

Dr. Jeanne Marie Rose, Associate Professor of English & Jennifer Dareneau, Lecturer in English
Assessment of the Composition Program

Dr. Brenda Russell, Associate Professor & Coordinator of Applied Psychology Program
Evaluation of both mentor and mentee experiences and the impact on student learning in the Applied Psychology

Dr. Brenda Russell, Associate Professor & Coordinator of Applied Psychology Program
Assessment of Applied Psychology Internships

Dr Holly Ryan, Assistant Professor of English & Writing Center Coordinator
Developing a sampling methodology and corresponding rubrics to assess the effectiveness of strategies to improve writing

Dr. Janet Winter, Senior Lecturer, Mathematics
Create, evaluate and revise Math 140 & Math 140A review items to better align content taught in the two courses