Glenn E. ’73 and E. Jane Moyer Family Scholarship

This scholarship shall be to provide recognition and financial assistance to outstanding juniors or seniors enrolled in Business, Applied Psychology, Professional Writing or Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts at PennStateBerks who have a demonstrated need for funds to meet their necessary college expenses. If at any time a baccalaureate degree program is created for Education, the donor wishes this to be included as well.
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to all junior and senior students enrolled in Business, Applied Psychology, Professional Writing or Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts at Penn State Berks who have a demonstrated need for funds to meet their necessary college expenses. If at any time a baccalaureate degree program is created for Education, the donor wishes this to be included as well. First preference shall be given to those students who graduated from the Oley Valley High School(Oley, Pennsylvania). Second preference shall be given to those students who have graduated from the Boyertown Area Senior High School(Boyertown, PA).
Amount of Award
Determined by the Penn State Berks Campus Scholarship Committee.