WYOMISSING, Pa. — Forty-nine Penn State Berks students received University Scholastic awards on April 2, through personalized emails. The awards presented included the Evan Pugh Scholars Award, the President Sparks Award, and the President’s Freshman Award.
Students receiving the Evan Pugh Scholars Award include juniors Sarah E. Brubacher, Brooke Lynn Eveland, and Kelsey Paige Yochum; and seniors Hunter M. Beane, Elizabeth Hunsicker, Courtney Kohler, Joshua D. Price and Danielle Renae Schuller.
The Evan Pugh Scholars Award is presented to those juniors and seniors who are in the upper 0.5 percent of their respective classes and have completed at least 48 graded Penn State credits at the end of the fall semester of the academic year the award is given. Candidates are eligible if they have been full-time undergraduate students for at least four semesters prior to selection. This year, the juniors have cumulative grade-point averages of 3.99 and above, and the seniors have cumulative grade-point averages of 4.00.
Adam T Badinger, Yan Tung Ip, Kaitlyn Pasquarella, Zirui Wang, and Sergon Yazgi received the President Sparks Award.
The President Sparks Award is presented annually to those undergraduate degree candidates who have earned a 4.00 (A) cumulative grade-point average based on at least 36 graded Penn State credits completed by the end of the fall semester of the academic year the award is given. Candidates are eligible for this award if they have not exceeded 59 total credits.
Recipients of The President's Freshman Award this year include Leonardo Alvarez, Alex Nelson Blatt, Adam Edward Brezina, Preston Scott Brubaker, Lydia Cacciola, Sydney Lynne Campbell, Kevin Cryan, Elizabeth M Eisele, Megan Ann Futchko, Brock Collin Griesemer, Rachel Lynn Hartzell, Edith Konneh, Joseph Kowalick, Ellise Grace Lanz, Xianglu Li, Wilson Marrero, Zachary Martin, Yekaterina Matveyeva, Zachary Myers, Aaron Olsen, Nicholas J Panase, Lestine Candy Paye, Ashley Risser, Alexandria Chea Savino, Sutton Charles Sharp, Safitaj Sindhar, Briana Smith, Samuel David Swope, Huy Gia Truong, Zachary Ward, Nicholas Jay Weber, Leah Caroline Welk, Nicholas Joseph Wentworth, Kelly Whalen, Christopher Williams, Chanellor W Yenser and Yin Zhang.
The President’s Freshman Award is presented annually to undergraduate degree candidates and provisional students who have earned a 4.00 (A) cumulative grade-point average based on at least 12 graded Penn State credits completed by the end of the fall semester of the academic year the award is given. Candidates are eligible for this award if they have not exceeded 35 total credits earned.