Penn State Berks offers a variety of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related Middle School Youth CamMS ps in a fun and relaxed environment. The camps are for students entering fifth through eighth grades in fall 2015. Camps run from Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
RoboCamp: Where Minds and Technology Meet
Students will engage in building and programming NXT Mindstorms to explore robotic concepts and use of sensors. Campers complete and compete in numerous activities throughout the week. This camp runs June 22?26. The cost is $275.
Make Your First Video Game/Video Game Animation Camp
This camp is geared toward video gamers. Participants will learn the keys to designing their first 2-D game using conceptualization, play experience, challenge levels, graphics, sound, and music. They will design their own character, its personality, moves, special powers, and story lines. No experience is necessary to join this camp ... just a desire to have fun. Games will be available to play on BlackRocket?s website using a PC computer. This camp runs July 13?17. The cost is $300.
You Be The Chemist® Camp
In the You Be the Chemist® Camp, developed by the Chemical Educational Foundation (CEF), campers will have the opportunity to work with common materials and everyday situations, and find that chemistry explains much of the world in which we live. By understanding chemistry, the participants can begin to answer for themselves many of the ?why? questions they pondered in the past. This camp runs July 20?24. The cost is $275.
Youth Architect: Learning the Building Blocks of Design Camp
Does your student enjoy building, designing, and/or creating structures from toys or a computer? This camp will demystify the design process by taking a concept and teaching budding architects, step-by-step, the processes needed to make a concept a reality. This camp runs July 20-24. The cost is $275.
Creativity & Technology: A Happy ?edVenture?
The fun filled week will explore the fundamentals of writing a good story, reading and writing scripts, character exploration, digital tools, iMovie basics, and filmmaking/animation. No technology experience is needed. This camp runs July 27?31. The cost is $275.
Junior Nittany Criminal Investigative Service Camp
Does your student have what it takes to be a crime fighter? If so, Penn State Berks needs him or her to join our NCIS (Nittany Criminal Investigative Service) Team. Campers will learn the science and the chemical techniques that can be used to solve puzzling crimes, such as how to analyze blood splatter, use footprints to estimate height, use Excel to analyze FBI crime data, and more. This camp runs July 27-31. The cost is $275.
Science of Technology Camp
Students will gain an understanding of how things work through hands-on activities that demonstrate the important principles of simple and motorized machines. They will solve challenges by building bridges with K?Nex building systems and programming robots. Participants will learn about mechanical and software design, and gain valuable problem-solving and teamwork skills. This camp runs August 3?7. The cost is $275.
Enrollment in these camps is limited and early registration is recommended. Scholarships are available for those who meet the requirements. For more information or to register, visit or call 610-396-6230.