The Penn State Berks Feministic Club will hold a ?Take Back The Night? event on Tuesday, April 2, 2013, at 6 p.m. at the Franco Building outdoor amphitheater. This event will include an address by Take Back the Night Executive Director Katherine Koestner, a rally, and a march on campus. In addition, representatives from Berks Women in Crisis will be in attendance. This event is free and open to the public.
The Take Back The Night movement first appeared in Europe in 1976 and has continued throughout the world as a sign of empowerment for women, men, and children. For more than three and a half decades, Take Back the Night has become internationally known as a way to take a stand against sexual violence and speak out against crime. This is the Penn State Berks Feministic Club's inaugural event to raise awareness for sexual violence and to support survivors in the healing process.
The Penn State Berks Feministic Club promotes feminist ideas and education while fostering a sense of community on campus and in local neighborhoods through fundraising, volunteering, events, and educational workshops. For more information, contact Erika Germann at 717-673-9805 or via e-mail at