WYOMISSING, Pa. – Sarah Hartman-Caverly, reference librarian and library liaison to the division of engineering, business and computing at the Penn State Berks Thun Library, was recently invited to chair the American Library Association Intellectual Freedom Round Table Publications & Communications Committee for 2022-23.
This is a key leadership position that promotes intellectual freedom and privacy in the United States and beyond through the Round Table's social media (which you can follow at ALA IFRT on Twitter (IFRT_ALA), Facebook (IFRTALA), and Instagram (intellectualfreedomroundtable). The chair also leads in documenting the Round Table's work and outreach programs through quarterly newsletters and an annual report.
Hartman-Caverly’s research and service focuses on intellectual freedom issues related to human and machine autonomy. Many of her publications and presentations on privacy, information warfare, and instructional collaborations as engineering, business and computing liaison are available through Penn State's ScholarSphere repository.
About the American Library Association
According to the ALA Constitution, the object of the American Library Association "shall be to promote library service and librarianship.” The stated mission is: “To provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.”
The Intellectual Freedom Round Table provides a forum for the discussion of activities, programs and problems in intellectual freedom of libraries and librarians; serves as a channel of communications on intellectual freedom matters; promotes a greater opportunity for involvement among the members of the ALA in defense of intellectual freedom; and promotes a greater feeling of responsibility in the implementation of ALA policies on intellectual freedom.