Penn State to receive 1.2 percent appropriation increase from state

University Park, Pa. -- Penn State will receive a 1.2 percent increase in state appropriation for the 2008-09 fiscal year as a result of the new budget approved by the Senate and the House and signed by Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell over the holiday weekend. The total appropriation for Penn State for this fiscal year is $338.4 million, an increase of $4.1 million over last year.          

“We understand that higher education in general was not a major priority for the Commonwealth this year,” said Bill Mahon, vice president for University Relations. “We appreciate the 1.2 percent increase in funding the Legislature secured for the University and that the governor approved. Penn State will remain good stewards of those public funds.”

The breakdown in appropriation includes:   

-- Educational and General:  $267.4 million     

-- Recruitment/Retention of Disadvantaged Students:  $454,000     

-- Agricultural Research: $25.6 million     

-- Cooperative Extension: $30.4 million     

-- Penn College: $13.1 million     

There was no increase in funding this year for agricultural research, Cooperative Extension, debt service for Penn College or the line item for recruitment and retention of disadvantaged students.

Penn State’s Board of Trustees will meet at the University’s campus in Erie on July 11, to approve the institution’s budget for 2008-09. Last year’s total budget was $3.4 billion, with state appropriation making up less than 10 percent of that figure. The mid-July board meeting is when tuition levels for this fall will be set. State appropriation and tuition are the two sources of revenue which go toward the educational mission of the University.
