Commonwealth Campuses offered development opportunities via Adobe Connect

With a new academic term comes new professional development opportunities for Penn State faculty and staff, and many of those opportunities are not limited by geographic location.

Human Resources’ Workplace Learning & Performance is pleased to offer nearly 20 valuable training programs to faculty and staff members at the Commonwealth Campuses via Adobe Connect.

Faculty and staff of Commonwealth Campuses can remotely access professional development content in categories ranging from core business skills, project management, and business acumen, to technology, professional growth, compliance, and many more.

On Workplace Learning’s Upcoming Programs website, the far-right column of the Upcoming Seminars & Workshops table indicates which programs are offered via Adobe Connect. Click on a program title, log into the Learning Resource Network (LRN) for more information, and to request/register for the program.

Among the professional development programs currently available to Commonwealth Campuses via Adobe Connect are Budget Basics, Developing and Growing a Team, the Green Paws Program: Create a Sustainable Office One Step at a Time, and special sessions for YOU@PSU.

Penn State remains committed to the career success and growth of its employees, and an integral tool to achieve that goal is the performance management program YOU@PSU. Visit the YOU@PSU site for more information about the program, including the calendar for the 2016-17 performance management cycle, training opportunities and helpful tools.

YOU@PSU will hold a special session via Adobe Connect on Aug. 31 that will help employees identify performance goals that support the important work that’s happening at Penn State in regards to diversity, sustainability and ethics & compliance. To learn more and to register, visit the session website. WebAccess ID will be required.

While many of the Workplace Learning & Performance programs are offered via Adobe Connect, others, such as the Penn State Emerging Leaders program and Excellence in Management program, are more effective as in-person sessions. Both of these certificate programs are currently enrolling, both are offered at University Park, and both are open to faculty and staff from Commonwealth Campuses.

Penn State Emerging Leaders (PSEL) is a leadership development certificate program designed for faculty and staff who demonstrate high leadership potential. The program provides a blended learning approach, utilizing self-reflection, self-directed learning, group work, and classroom seminars that enable the participant to explore their leadership philosophy and establish development goals. The application process for the 2017 session of the PSEL program will open on Sept. 19 and run through Oct. 28. 

Interested candidates should visit the PSEL website for details about the program objectives, the schedule and how to apply. Contact Christy Helms at with questions.

Excellence in Management (EIM) is a joint offering of Human Resources and Penn State Executive Programs and is designed to provide strategic leadership perspective and skills to managers and directors with responsibility for managing units and budgets. The next program begins in January 2017 and will include six full-day workshops. All workshops occur on Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Registration for this program is scheduled to close on Nov. 30.

For more information on this program and registration instructions, visit the Workplace Learning & Performance website.