READING, Pa. — Approximately 125 first-graders from the 10th and Green Elementary School in the Reading School District will visit Penn State Berks for the third annual Math and Science Day on Monday, Oct. 15. The program is hosted and coordinated by the college’s elementary and early childhood education degree program.
The visiting students will be on campus from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will participate in four different math activities and four science activities developed by 20 elementary and early childhood education seniors as part of two courses: Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary Schools and Teaching Science in the Elementary School. After the activities, the first-graders will tour campus and visit the Greenhouse.
Susan Lozada, principal of the 10th and Green Elementary School, aspires for her students from each grade level to visit one university or college campus in Berks County each year. It is her hope that by the time her students graduate from elementary school, they would have visited at least five university or college campuses.
“I believe that the Penn State Berks elementary and early childhood education program can play an important role in helping our young fellows to discover the first exposure to science and mathematics, as well as many other academic opportunities available in our campus,” said Hartono Tjoe, assistant professor of mathematics education at Penn State Berks.
For additional information on Penn State Berks Math and Science Day, contact Tjoe at 610-396-6453 or via email at [email protected].