Navigating the academic integrity process
Students and faculty seeking guidance on the academic integrity process should contact Zohra Melaouah-Shaffer, the College Committee on Academic Integrity chair, at [email protected].
Students charged with an academic integrity violation are encouraged to consult with their academic adviser and/or another faculty or staff member with whom the student has a good relationship. Students can also contact Justin DiAngelo, the faculty liaison for academic integrity, at [email protected] for advice on the academic integrity process.
Faculty seeking input on how to evaluate a suspected violation should consult their division heads.
All members of the College Committee on Academic Integrity are also available as resources.
About the College Committee on Academic Integrity
The Chancellor shall appoint a Committee on Academic Integrity consisting of faculty, students, and academic administrators, with faculty being the majority.
View Academic Integrity Committee MembersThis committee shall:
- Promote expectations for academic integrity consistent with the definition in this policy.
- Ensure fairness and consistency in processes and outcomes. To ensure University-wide consistency, the Berks College Academic Integrity Committee will work with the Office of Student Accountability and the Office of the Provost of the University to develop procedures for handling and sanctioning dishonesty infractions.
- Review and settle all contested cases in which academic sanctions are applied. If necessary, further disciplinary action will be taken by Student Accountability.
- Record all cases of academic dishonesty within the Berks College and report them to Student Accountability.
The Academic Integrity Committee for the Berks College shall consist of:
- At least two faculty from each Division and one "at-large" member selected by the Chancellor from a list of nominees supplied by the Chair of the Berks Faculty Senate.
- Two students chosen by the College's Student Government Association.
- A pool of student alternates should also be chosen so student representation may be present at any hearing.
- The College's Associate Dean of Academic Affairs or representative.
- The Director of Student Affairs or representative.
The Academic Integrity Committee shall be responsible for timely publicizing to all faculty and students the responsibilities of each group to comply with Senate Policy 49-20.
Penn State Berks Academic Integrity Committee 2024-25
- Zohra Melaouah-Shaffer, Chair
- Ruth Daly
- Jennifer Dareneau
- Michele Ramsey
- Jeane Serrian
- John Weber
- Saide Zhu
- Nathan Tam, Student Member
- Daniel Abramov, Student Member
- Justin DiAngelo, Faculty Liason/Academic Affairs Representative
- Brian Samble, Director of Student Affairs