There are lots of things to remember when moving from one country to another. Use this guide to help you navigate:
Updating your address
As a student in F-1 or J-1 visa status, it is your responsibility to keep your permanent address (in your home country) and your local address (in the U.S.) current and up-to-date at all times. According to U.S. regulations, international students must update an address change within 10 days. To change your address, log into Account Management.
If you move while studying in the U.S., be sure to change your local address with companies that might send you mail (health insurance, magazines, bills, etc.). Don't forget to change the address on your Pennsylvania driver's license, if applicable. International Student Services recommends that international students select paperless billing options whenever possible for things like car insurance and bank statements.
Obtaining your travel signature
As an international student in F-1 visa status, you MUST have a valid travel signature from your international student adviser on your I-20 to re-enter the U.S. Travel signatures are valid for one year from when your I-20 is signed if your visa status is still active. There are eligibility requirements to obtain a travel signature from your international student adviser. Please contact your international student adviser for more information.
Follow these steps to receive a travel signature on your I-20:
- Complete the Travel Signature form in iStart
- Travel signature requests will be reviewed in 3-5 business days. During this time, be sure to check your Penn State email as follow-up questions and a decision email will be sent to you via Penn State email only.
Securing your driver’s license
To be eligible for a Pennsylvania Driver's License, you must have at least 11 months (preferably 12 months or more) left before your I-20 or DS-2019 program end date. In Pennsylvania, all individuals interested in obtaining a Pennsylvania driver’s license must obtain a learner’s permit first. Please review the steps below:
- Complete Page 1 of Form DL-180: Non-Commercial Learner's Permit Application.
- Request a Social Security Rejection Letter if you do not have a Social Security Number (SSN). To make this request, you will need to go to the local Social Security office with the following items:
- Valid Passport and Visa
- Current I-20
- Most recent I-94, which you can find and print online.
Be sure to ask for a SSN Rejection Letter because you are an F-1 or J-1 student who is not employed on campus and seeking a driver's license. Please note that this letter will not prevent you from obtaining an SSN in the future.
- Schedule a physical exam at the Health Services in the Perkins Student Center. Bring your Form DL-180 with you to the physical and request that the medical portion be filled out at Health Services. You must schedule an appointment for your physical exam and complete this form before you can get a learner's permit.
- Study for the Knowledge Test by reviewing the Pennsylvania (PA) Driver's Manual on the PennDOT website under "Get a Driver's License," or by downloading the PA Driver's Practice Test app, which is free in the Apple Store and Google Play. You must complete and pass your knowledge test and vision test at the a Department of Transportation location to receive a learner's permit.