Parking Violation Appeals
Online Appeal Form
Please complete the online appeal form if you wish to appeal a campus parking ticket or a violation received at the Berks campus. All required information must be completed prior to form submission. Appeals can only be submitted online within 72 hours after the ticket is received.
Printable Appeal Form
If you wish to appeal using our printable appeal form, please print a copy of the form and fill in all the information requested. Return it to the Office of Finance Office, Room 125 Franco Bldg., within 72 hours of the date of the violation. The ticket (or a copy) must be included with the appeal form. A fax is also acceptable at 610-396-6114. The person appealing the violation will be notified via mail of the Appeals Committee's decision. The appeals committee will review the appeal and inform the student of the decision via email. All decisions of the appeals committee are final.
This form should not be used for state citations, which are handled through the District Justice, or County Parks parking tickets, which must be paid at the Gring's Mill Park Office.