Campus Directory | Staff

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Tyler Field [email protected]
Maintenance Worker, Maintenance and Operations
Implement Building 610-396-6260
Pamela Frantz [email protected]
Maintenance Worker, Maintenance and Operations
Implement Building 610-396-6260
Mary Fretz [email protected]
Administrative Support Assistant, Police and Public Safety
Luerssen Science Building, 112H 610-396-6111
Autumn Fritz [email protected]
Secretary, Staff Advisory Council
Licensed Social Worker, Counseling Services
Perkins Student Center, 10A 610-396-6098
Annamarie Given [email protected]
Digital Innovation Specialist, Thun Library
Thun Library, 104
Mark Groff [email protected]
Sergeant, Police Services
Luerssen Science Building, 112D 610-396-6198
Laura Harak [email protected]
Administrative Assistant, Development
Janssen Office Building, 209 610-396-6058
Ryan Hassler [email protected]
Teaching Professor, Mathematics
Professional Math Tutor, Learning Center
Luerrsen Science Building, 201F
Kristin Hawley [email protected]
Coordinator of Athletic Programs, Athletics
Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center, 115D 610-396-6358
Jeffrey Hein [email protected]
Mail Clerk Driver, Maintenance and Operations
Implement Building 610-396-6267
Henry, Thomas [email protected]
Manager, Dining Operations/Cyber Cafe
Perkins, 106 610-396-6356
Christopher Hildenbrand [email protected]
Maintenance Worker, Maintenance and Operations
Implement Building 610-396-6260
Michelle Hnath [email protected]
Facility Coordinator, Berks LaunchBox
GoggleWorks Center for the Arts 610-396-6400
Alexa Hodge [email protected]
Coordinator, Student Support Services
Coordinator, The Aspiring Scholars Program
Coordinator, Pathway to Success: Summer Start Program
Perkins Student Center, S6A 610-396-6074
Eric Hollobaugh [email protected]
Maintenance Worker, Maintenance and Operations
Implement Building 610-396-6260
Jim Hong [email protected]
Launchbox Makerspace Coordinator, Berks LaunchBox
GoggleWorks Center for the Arts 610-396-6015
Adam Houptley [email protected]
Mechanic, Plumbing and Carpentry
Maintenance Building
Patricia Jepsen [email protected]
Coordinator, Career Services and Internships
Adjunct Instructor, Career Management
Perkins Student Center, 10E 610-396-6019
Elyce Kaplan [email protected]
Registrar, Registrar's Office
Franco Building, 128
Karetas, Ariel [email protected]
Financial Assistant, Finance Office
Franco, 125 610-396-6044