Campus Directory | Staff

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Larissa Miller [email protected]
Research Assistant/Associate, Horticulture
Center for the Agricultural Sciences and a Sustainable Environment, Greenhouse 610-396-6166
John Mohl [email protected]
Police Sergeant, Police and Public Safety
Luerssen Science Building, 112 610-396-6299
Tina Moll [email protected]
Lab Supervisor, Biology
Luerssen Science Building, 205 610-396-6165
Frael Moreta [email protected]
Coordinator, Launchbox Makerspace
GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, Suite 105 610-396-6400
Erin Morton [email protected]
Interim Strategic Partner, Human Resources
Brianna Moscarelli [email protected]
Libraries Specialist, Thun Library
Thun Library, 104
Rodney Moyer [email protected]
Maintenace Worker, Maintenance and Operations
Implement Building 610-396-6260
Munteanu, Francisc Adrian [email protected]
Head Men's and Women's Soccer Coach
Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center, 115E 610-396-6150
Abbey Muza [email protected]
Visiting Artist
Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, 242 610-396-6024
Tami Mysliwiec [email protected]
Associate Professor, Biology
Director, Academic Support and Projects
Coordinator, First-Year Seminar
Luerssen Science Building, 212C
Rungun Nathan [email protected]
Professor, Engineering
Program Chair, Mechanical Engineering
Project Coordinator, Berks Learning Factory
Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, 223 610-396-6170
Cory Novik [email protected]
Maintenance Worker, Maintenance and Operations
Implement Building 610-396-6260
Dale Osenbach [email protected]
Southeast Region Commander, Police and Public Safety
Luerssen Science Building, 112F 610-396-6119
Jennifer Pasquale [email protected]
Coordinator of Internships and Job Development, Career Services
Perkins Student Center, 10C 610-396-6335
Richard Patrick [email protected]
Groundskeeper Landscape, Maintenance and Operations
Implement Building 610-396-6260
Russell Pepper [email protected]
Manager, Maintenance Services
Implement Building 610-396-6323
Leica Perate [email protected]
Food Service and Production Worker, Housing and Food Services
Perkins Student Center, 106
Cathleen Phillips [email protected]
Area Representative, Continuing Education
Williams Cottage, 105 610-396-6225
Paula Plageman [email protected]
Adjunct Instructor, First-Year Seminar
Franco Building, 168 610-396-6282
Erica Pulaski [email protected] Currently Remote 610-396-6061