Student award winners Anne Setenet (left) and Angeline Gongar (right) are pictured with Alexa Hodge, co-chair of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee. (Not pictured: Sydney Bankert)
(Clockwise from top) Nathan Piekielek, head of the Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information at Penn State University Libraries, has developed an efficient computer workflow to convert digitized archival aerial photographs (such as the one at bottom right) into geospatial data that is compatible with modern mapping and research tools. Piekielek tested and refined the workflow with help from student assistants (bottom left).
Practicing Privacy Literacy in Academic Libraries, authored by research and instruction librarians Sarah Hartman-Caverly (top right) and Alexandria Chisholm at Penn State Berks, was published in October 2023 by the Association of College and Research Libraries.