Berks student members of B.E.A.N. include (back row, left to right): Christian Clarke, Xander Van Wyk, Ugochukwu Ike-Egolum, (front row, left to right): Brynna Bentz and Grace Yost. (Not pictured: Jacob Piehl)
Berks student members of B.E.A.N. include (back row, left to right): Christian Clarke, Xander Van Wyk, Ugochukwu Ike-Egolum, (front row, left to right): Brynna Bentz and Grace Yost. (Not pictured: Jacob Piehl)
The academic accomplishments of 31 Penn State Berks students were celebrated on Feb. 26, when they were inducted as the first cohort of the college’s Lambda Beta Chapter of the Alpha Alpha Alpha, a national honor society for first-generation college students.
A team of Penn State Berks students recieved an award in the Prototype Phase of the Nittany AI Challenge, an annual competition sponsored by the Nittany AI Alliance that provides students from all campuses the opportunity to use AI and machine learning to address pressing global issues while gaining hands on experience. The students' project is B.E.A.N., which stands for "Bio Environmentally-friendly Aquatic Navigator."
The "Elevate Your Path: Empowering Today’s Young Professionals" networking event is offered in partnership with the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce, serving communities in Berks, Chester, and Montgomery Counties.
The "Elevate Your Path: Empowering Today’s Young Professionals" networking event is sponsored by RKL, LLC, an accounting and business consulting firm serving communities across Pennsylvania.
University Libraries’ Libby reading app will feature a women’s history month virtual display of e-books and audiobooks available for student and employee borrowing. In addition, a first-floor Paterno Library leisure-reading bookshelf near Starbucks’ order pickup area will have similar books available for all library users’ checkout at first floor library desks. Peruse curated titles about extraordinary women, issues affecting women, and fictional strong women protagonists.