Dale Derr, the recently retired director of the Berks County Department of Veterans Affairs, will serve as the keynote speaker at Penn State Berks' Veterans Day program on Nov. 11.
WYOMISSING, Pa. — Penn State Berks will host its annual Veterans Day program at 12:15 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, in the Perkins Student Center Multipurpose Room. The event is free and open to the campus community, and lunch will be provided following the program.
Attendees must respond to Paula Adams via email at pla2@psu.edu no later than Tuesday, Nov. 5.
The program will begin with a welcome by Alexis Price-Moyer, president of the Student Veterans of America organization on campus. The keynote speaker will be Dale Derr, the recently retired director of the Berks County Department of Veterans Affairs. Derr served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves from 1976 to 1979 and was later commissioned into the U.S. Air Force, where he served on active duty from 1980 to 2000, retiring as a lieutenant colonel. His experience in chemical, biological, nuclear and explosives defense regularly had him working with personnel from all branches of service, foreign militaries, contractors and civilian authorities in the United States and overseas.
“Veterans Day is an opportunity for the entire Penn State Berks community to pay tribute to our outstanding veteran students and to all veterans who have served our country with such honor,” said Joe Webb, interim director of Student Affairs at Penn State Berks. “Our veteran students make Penn State Berks a better place, and they symbolize the tremendous contribution that veterans have made to our nation.”
For more information, contact Webb at 610-396-6072 or via email at jjw26@psu.edu.