Berks student marshal Jaime Seaman will graduate with a bachelor of science in information sciences and technology during the college’s commencement ceremony at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 20, at the Santander Arena.
WYOMISSING, Pa. — Jaime Seaman is this year’s student marshal for Penn State Berks. He will graduate with a bachelor of science in information sciences and technology, with the design and development option, during the college’s commencement ceremony at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 20, at the Santander Arena.
As the graduating student with the highest grade-point average, Seaman stated that he is very grateful for all the opportunities he has received–both from Penn State Berks and his parents, who adopted him when he was a baby from South Korea.
When asked why he chose to attend Penn State Berks, he stated that he looked at several Penn State campuses and decided to enroll at Berks because of its small class sizes and close proximity to home. He also attended summer camps at Berks and was familiar with the campus. Since academics was his main focus over the last four years, Penn State Berks provided the perfect educational environment while allowing him to commute from home and save money.
Highlights of the last four years for Seaman included completing an internship for Weidenhammer, where he worked on the company’s database. He also made the Dean’s List and received two scholarships in recognition of his academic achievements.
“I’ve had a positive experience at Penn State Berks,” commented Seaman. “I had an opportunity to work on a lot of group projects as an information sciences and technology major, and this will be a very useful skill in the job market. I have also given many presentations, which helped to prepare me for the real world.”
After graduation, Seaman states that the job search will begin. While open to all possibilities in the field, he plans to a focus on application design and user interface positions within medium-sized companies. He is also interested in exploring technical writing opportunities within the programming field.