Alumni Society Board Nomination Form

Nomination Process

The Berks Alumni Society is accepting nominations to elect four new members to its Board of Directors for 2022-23. Nominations are being accepted through June 21, 2022, and can be submitted by completing and returning the form below.

Voting for new board members will begin June 22 through July 20. All current Penn State Alumni Association members have the right to vote for new board members. Ballots can be obtained by visiting the Berks Alumni web site or by attending the annual Alumni Society meeting July at 6:00 p.m., in the Janssen Conference Center. Ballots will be collected and the elected Board of Directors will be announced at this meeting.

The Berks Alumni Society brings together alumni of the college through a variety of events and activities. Their mission is to enhance the interests and reputation of the college and to achieve a closer fellowship between alumni, students, faculty, staff, and the community. The society also encourages support for scholarship, promotes professional development of students and alumni, and fosters a sense of pride and commitment to the college. For more information contact a member of the Alumni Society Nominating Committee,

What we are looking for in board members:

Alumni Society board members love Penn State University and Penn State students. While no single characteristic defines an ideal member of the board, the society seeks nominees who are high achievers and highly enthusiastic about Penn State University and Penn State students. Members should be committed to attending meetings every other month and assisting with Society activities. Nominations are due by June 21, 2022. Please complete the electronic form below.

Please include a brief statement about you they are running for election. If you are nominating someone, please include a brief statement about why you are nominating them.
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