Internships in Global Studies
Finding an appropriate internship is a responsibility of all Global Studies students. However, this can be a daunting task. Here are some guidelines and possibilities. Internships with clear global/international connections are required of all Global Studies students. Global Studies advisors and Career Services can assist students with internship hunting, but students are responsible for obtaining an internship. Students may not use their current jobs, unless they are involved in a special project directly relevant to Global Studies. Internships must be arranged with a Global Studies advisor in advance and appropriate preparatory meetings are required in all cases. Doing an internship and then trying to get credit for it is not possible. Do not be afraid to look for an internship with a company or agency you are interested in working for once you finish your undergraduate studies.
View information about our Rwanda Internship »
View information about our India Internship »
Read a student's account of an internship at the State Department in Washington D.C. »
Junior or Senior standing, with at least two completed 400-level Global Studies courses and a minimum of 2 years at Berks Campus is required. Approval by a Global Studies coordinator is required for all internships. The most appropriate Global Studies advisor or faculty member will be appointed to supervise each intern. Begin in advance researching internships in which you may be interested. This is not a last minute project.
Hours and Credits
Internships may range from 150 hours earning three credits, to 450 hours for nine credits. Time requirements can be altered by Global Studies coordinators in cases where travel over exceptional distances is required and/or agencies specify set periods for internships. Students may take INTST 495 more than once, but not for more than a total of 9 credits. Internships abroad do not fulfill the Study Abroad requirement.
Documentation of the Internship Experience
All interns will be expected to meet/correspond with their advisors to report on the progress of their internships and draft final presentations. Students and their employers need to fill out the forms available on the Career Services web page. All interns are required to make a final presentation of their experience and submit a journal/report of that experience or, if required by their employer, a research paper. Those taking internships for 9 credits may be required to do final presentations, journals/reports and research papers (depending on employer requirements). At least one report (final report) will be expected from an intern's supervisor. Interns should anticipate an evaluation period of two weeks after their and their employer's reports are submitted. Those doing internships that end in the Second Summer Session may not be able to graduate at the end of the Summer.
When applying, all students should consult one of our program coordinators - Dr. Randall Fegley or Dr. Kirk Shaffer .
Internship Web Sites
In the listing of internships below, click on the organization's name or alternative link(s) to find out more. In some cases, you will need to find the page that specifically deals with internships. They can be found under internships or under headings such as jobs,volunteer positions,careers or employment. In many cases, volunteer positions can be used as internships. The descriptions below include the following abbreviations:
- GOV = governmental
- NGO = non-governmental (typically non-profit)
- UNI = university/academic
- AGY = private agency
Adopt A Minefield
NGO - campaigns against the use of landmines and for de-mining and mine education.
AGY - places volunteers and interns with African development projects.
Africa Development Consortium
NGO in Kenya working in community development and nature conservation.
American Advantage Capital Scholars Program
American InterContinental University Internships
UNI study abroad program with internships.
American Mathematical Society
UNI - Internship & co-op listings for undergraduates.
Amnesty International
International human rights NGO.
Ancient Forest International
NGO working to save forests in California, Chile and Ecuador.
Antioch International
NGO providing "Strategic Solutions to Human Suffering"
Anti-Slavery International
London-based NGO to raise awareness and stop human trafficking.
Association for International Practical Training
NGO for practical training for international employment.
Institute of International Education
NGO study abroad program with internships and grants, especially the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program.
Boston University International Internship Programs
UNI program.
The Carter Center
NGO focusing on contemporary international and domestic issues.
Casa Xelajú
NGO based in Guatemala, volunteers and internships.
CDS International
NGO for professional training, scholarship and internships in Germany. Especially the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program
Center for International Education
UNI ? University of California study abroad program with internships.
NGO dealing with peace and justice issues in El Salvador.
Council on International Education Exchange
UNI - study abroad programs with internships.
Council for National Interest
NGO in Washington D.C. advocating a new direction for the Middle East.
NGO promoting French products in decoration, giftware, art and craftsmanship. Sites with internship listings under Links.
Cross-Cultural Solutions
AGY places interns around the world.
Defense Intelligence Agency
GOV - gain a practical working knowledge of the intelligence field while receiving credits.
Doctors Without Borders
NGO offers practical administrative, clerical work experience with a basic introduction to the field of international medical humanitarian aid.
Esquel Group Foundation (Groupo Esquel)
NGO listing internship possibilities in Latin America and beyond.
Facing History and Ourselves
Boston-based NGO for genocide education.
Food First
A California-based NGO to raise awareness and change behaviors toward local and global food production.
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Philadelphia-based NGO researching foreign policy issues.
Global Crossroad
NGO has a wide array of volunteer, internship and study programs, in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Emphasis on teaching and culture.
Global Fund for Women
International NGO network working global equality, justice and women's rights
grants available.
Global Exchange
NGO encouraging people-to-people.
Global Volunteers
NGO mobilizes volunteers for community development projects around the world.
Global Volunteer Network
New Zealand-based AGY offering volunteer and internship opportunities worldwide.
Environmental NGO that works in Europe, the Americas, Pacific & Asia.
Habitat for Humanity
NGO - National and international building projects.
Human Rights Resource Center
Network of NGOs with internship, training and volunteer listings.
Human Rights Watch
An independent NGO investigating human rights abuses. Internships in New York, Washington and Los Angeles.
AGY ? Posting internship, volunteer and career opportunities ?where the nonprofit world meets.?
Immigration and Refugee Services of America
NGO develops and manages education and assistance programs to help refugees settle in the USA. Internships in Washington DC.
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
San Francisco-based, NGO promotes training, education, and public awareness. Works with immigrants in legal aid and social services.
Interexchange Working Abroad
NGO offering students short term work opportunities.
International Commission of Jurists
International NGO for legal and human rights issues.
International Foundation for Electoral Systems
NGO providing professional support to electoral democracy.
International Humana People to People Movement
International NGO working in education and health in impoverished countries.
International Rivers Network
NGO to protect rivers and watersheds to meet the needs of communities for water, energy and flood management.
Institute for International Cooperation and Development
NGO trains and sends volunteers for development work in Africa, Asia and South America.
International Volunteers Program Association
A group of NGOs that organize volunteer and intern programs around the world .
Jubilee Ventures
NGO in Kenya working in community development and nature conservation.
Mountbatten Internship Programme
London-based, NGO promoting educational & business links between the USA & UK.
National Security Archive
NGO research institute and library.
New Israel Fund
NGO to promote Israeli democracy, freedom and justice.
New York State Assembly Internship Program
Open Minds
AGY offers training and volunteer opportunities in Southeast Asia and Nepal.
Oxfam America
US branch of the British NGO dedicated to finding long term solutions to poverty, hunger, and social injustices around the world. Located in Boston and Washington DC.
Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center
York PA-based NGO working with immigrants.
Rising Sun Internships
An excellent listing of internships by discipline/occupation including many NY- & DC-based openings. Particularly interesting listings are:
Italy (Internet Consulting)
Italy (Marketing)
Spain (Translating)
Russian and East European Institute
UNI listing internships in Russia and Eastern Europe.
Service Civil International
NGO promoting peace and understanding through volunteering.
The Smithsonian Associates (TSA) internships
Stanford University Africa Program
UNI ? listing of internships and volunteer work in Africa.
Survivor Corps
Global network of NGOs helping survivors to overcome war and rebuild their communities. Particularly concerned with landmines.
Tahoe-Baikal Institute
NGO developed to protect two endangered areas.
Transparency International
Berlin Headquarters
US Office
International NGO concerned with corruption.
United Nations Internship Programs
International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (The Hague)
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva)
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (NY and Geneva)
UN Environmental Programme (Nairobi)
UN Headquarters Internship Program
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Social Policy and Development (New York)
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for the Advancement of Women (New York)
US Government Internship Programs
Central Intelligence Agency Internship Program
GOV internships
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
US Agency for International Development (USAID)
GOV agency with the State Department working to support economic development throughout the world.
US Commission on International Religious Freedom
GOV internships
US Department of Commerce
GOV internships in Philadelphia
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Intern Program
GOV internships
US Department of Justice
GOV internships
US Department of State
GOV internships
US Securities and Exchange Commission Summer Honors College Program
White House Internship Program
GOV internships.
The Washington Center
NGO providing internships in private, public and non-profit sectors of Washington DC.
Witness For Peace
NGO working on peace and justice issues in Latin America.
Women?s Refugee Commission
NGO for refugee, development and women's issues.
Working Abroad
AGY environmental
World Affairs Council of Greater Reading
Organization advocating our community's awareness of international issues.
World Learning
AGY offering internships and study around the world
World of Good
NGO working in many areas of women's development.