Penn State Berks celebrates Black History Month

READING, Pa. — In honor of Black History Month, Penn State Berks will hold the following events in February 2017. All events are free and open to the public.

"Continental Drift"
Noon-4 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 25, and Sunday-Tuesday, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m., Feb. 26-28 — Freyberger Gallery

The Freyberger Gallery will host an exhibition of African and African-American artifacts from around the world. Throughout the gallery, African American inventions, posters, and artifacts will be displayed from countries around the world such as Egypt. Some of the artifacts that will be presented laid the foundation for many of the modern conveniences that we take for granted today. This event is co-sponsored by the Penn State Intercultural Office and the Black Student Union.

"The Power of Knowing"
12:15 p.m. Monday, Feb. 27 — Freyberger Gallery

The Intercultural Office will host Reverend Evelyn Morrison of Reading, Pennsylvania, who will discuss and give a demonstration on the Rite of Passage marking the coming of age for African youth. This talk will complement the Black History Month display in the Freyberger Gallery by sharing knowledge of ancestral customs. Light refreshments will be served.

For information on these events, contact Sharon Pitterson-Ogaldez, Coordinator of Diversity and International Programs, at