The Student Facility Fee (SFF) is a fund that every registered student at Penn State Berks pays into as part of the Student Fee collected with tuition. The purpose of the SFF is to provide students with the funds to enhance or improve the Penn State Berks infrastructure by making improvements to and expansions of non-academic, recreational, multi-use space for students.
Per the Penn State Student Fee Board Handbook, Section 2.2: Facilities funding enhances student out-of-class experiences by supporting both large-scale and small-scale infrastructure projects primarily intended for student use or benefit. Large-scale projects include facility development through building and/or renovating University facilities intended for student out-of-class use. Small-scale projects can include, but are not limited to, student requested enhancement/increase of existing resources, support of facilities for recognized student organizations, campus beautification and memorial projects, and the purchase of equipment designed for a student facility.
The Penn State Berks SFF committee, which is comprised of students, faculty and staff, advises the chancellor on the proposed use of the funds.
Campus Facilities Allocation Committee Authority and Membership
Per the Penn State Student Fee Board Handbook: The Commonwealth Facilities Allocation Committee is granted the authority by the Student Fee Board to allocate Student Fee Funds for all requests related to student facilities at each Penn State campus. This includes, but is not limited to, large- and small-scale facilities projects both independent of and in collaboration with the University administration and/or intercollegiate athletics with the approval of the Board of Trustees, when required.
SFF Allocation Committee Membership
- Director of Student Affairs or designee (co-chair) **
- Student Government Association (SGA) President (co-chair) *
- SGA Treasurer
- Seven student Appointees
- One staff member (preferably from Campus Life) **
- One faculty member (recommended by Faculty Senate) **
- Director of Business Services or designee **
- Director of Development or designee**
*In case of a tied vote, the ruling will go in favor of the SGA President’s vote.
**Non-voting Committee Members
To apply for committee membership, complete the SIF Allocation Committee Application >
Limitations of SFF Use
- The facility fee shall be used for projects on University-owned properties. *
- The facility fee will not be used to support ongoing operational costs with any project
- The facility fee will not be used to pay debt services.
- The facility fee will not be used to pay for rental agreements.
- Requests must be consistent with the campus’ strategic and master physical facilities plans.
*See Penn State Berks SIF Handbook for restrictions.
SFF Proposal Process
Requests for funding are made by submitting proposals or suggestions, which are reviewed and voted upon by the Student Facility Fee Allocation Committee. The SFF Allocation Committee is responsible for:
- reviewing and voting on proposals;
- recommending or requiring stipulations of the applicant(s);
- allocating activity fund monies consistent with the purpose of the fee described above; and
- making recommendations for approval to the chancellor.
It is required that you review the Penn State Berks Student Initiated Fee Handbook before submitting a proposal.
Penn State Berks will make every effort to explore additional sources of financial support for any proposed capital expansion project to assist in minimizing fees charged to students.
SFF Proposal Submission and Review Process
- Generate ideas that will enhance the student experience on campus.
- Review required resources, like the Penn State Berks Student Initiated Fee Handbook and the SIF Proposal Tips.
- Plan your project thoroughly with quotes, or simply submit a suggestion.
- Complete and submit the SFF Proposal Form.
- The proposal will then be reviewed by the allocation committee and the chief financial officer to verify funding availability.
- After review by the allocation committee, if no concerns or red flags have been identified, the proposal is forwarded to the chancellor.
- Project execution:
- If the project is between $5,000 - $10,000, three competitive bids are strongly encouraged.
- If the project is between $10,001 - $24,999, three competitive bids are required. The Office of Physical Plant at University Park will review the project.
- The SGA President will be required to submit responses to the following questions to the Office of Physical Plant:
- Is the project in the best interest of the campus?
- Does it match with any other known projects?
- Did the process that led to these recommendations include appropriate and adequate student participation?
- Do these recommendations generally reflect the consensus of the students who participated in that process?
Student Facility Fee Proposal Deadlines and Meeting Dates
Deadline | Meeting |
September 1, 2023 | September 8, 2023 |
February 2, 2024 | February 9, 2024 |
March 22, 2024 | March 29, 2024 |