Berks LionSide Chats

BioMechanics Day

Penn State Berks to host National Biomechanics Day

Penn State Berks will celebrate National Biomechanics Day on April 7. This year the event will be virtual in the form of a LionSide Chat webinar designed to introduce prospective students and their families to fields that comprise biomechanics, including engineering, kinesiology and health science.
Penn State Berks LionSide Chats Logo

Penn State Berks announces March LionSide Chats

Penn State Berks is reaching out to the local community in a new way — through "LionSide Chats," a modern interpretation of former U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Depression-era “Fireside Chats.” These webinars provide current and timely talks from college faculty and staff experts on a variety of topics and disciplines.
Penn State Berks LionSide Chats Logo

LionSide Chats introduces series focused on degrees

Penn State Berks LionSide Chats, a program of webinars that explores current and timely topics, is introducing a new series for current and prospective students titled “Majorly prepared: Penn State Berks degrees and opportunities.”