
group of five women and one man standing in a row after being honored at a ceremony

2017 Penn State University Libraries Award winners

Barbara I. Dewey, dean of the University Libraries and Scholarly Communications, far right, presented five annual awards to employees for outstanding contributions toward success of Libraries’ operations, diversity and inclusion, and innovation. The winners, from left to right, were honored May 11: Ann Thompson, Margaret Knoll Spangler Oliver Award; Wendy Stodart, Shirley J. Davis Staff Excellence Award; John Shank, University Libraries Award; Jacqueline Peagler, University Libraries Diversity Award; and Karla Schmit, University Libraries Teaching Award.

Ann Thompson, Wendy Stodart, John Shank, Jacqueline Peagler, and Karla Schmit

University Libraries celebrates faculty and staff with 2017 awards

Five members of the Penn State University Libraries — Ann Thompson, Wendy Stodart, John Shank, Jacqueline Peagler, and Karla Schmit — were honored for their outstanding contributions toward the success of Libraries’ operations, diversity and inclusion, and innovation. Libraries' staff members submitted nominations, and the awards were presented on May 11.